Have you ever been to a wedding Dj Brisbane that you will always remember for the rest of your life? You might have been into one that has the best food or maybe the best wedding party overall but not all weddings can be as successful as others.
These top 5 wedding fails made their guests had a memorable wedding experience; just not in a good way though.
- Wardrobe Malfunction – Everything is going well, exchange of vows and what not until your groom dropped his pants.
- Getting Pranked by the Bride – Just a bride throwing the bouquet so that her single guests “might” get married soon. I think she don’t want them to get married at any cost. Not even a chance…!
- Photo Disaster – Group wedding photos are great. You will be capturing the best day of your life along with the people who matters to you the most (friends, family or relatives) but sometimes you have to consider the place where you are taking the photos….
- The Drunk Guest – Good food, good music and everybody is having fun indeed but having too much fun can make your wedding reception into a disaster.
- The Swan – The bride just want to have a lovely photo with the swan but I guess the swan is not in the mood for that day.
We hope that these top 5 funny wedding moments made your day. If you don’t want any of these disasters to happen, make sure to plan every detail of your wedding. From clothing to food to gold coast entertainment, all of these should be planned well to avoid wedding horrors.