Looking for a first dance song might sound like an easy task at first, but once you are actually doing your research, you’ll be surprised that there are actually thousands of options available and choosing “the one” will in turn be stressful.
Weeks of planning will somehow turn into months and even with the help of your trusted band or DJ, you still find yourself confused on what to pick. After all, whatever song you pick will actually be the one that will define you as a couple. Friends and family members will always remember “that song” as “your song”.
How then can you find your perfect song? Check some tips below.
Create a list. Have a sit down conversation with your partner over coffee or while having a relaxed time together. Pick songs that are meaningful to you as a couple but make sure to limit your song choices to up to 5 each.
Check lyrics and see which songs you can relate to. This is the time you eliminate. Review your song choices and pick the most meaningful. You may pick up to 3 songs.
It’s ok to be unconventional. If you’re not the type who’s into romantic music, consider having unconventional song choices for your bridal waltz. It’s completely ok and it’ll even make your first dance unique.
Inform your DJ and ask for his opinion. Once you finally decided on what song to play on your bridal waltz, make sure to inform your wedding DJ about it. Make sure he has a copy of the song in hand and if he has any suggestions, you can talk about it before the actual wedding day.
Make it magical. Ask your entertainment agent if they have services such as “walking on clouds effect” to make your first dance unique and memorable. This would absolutely look good on photos and videos too!